Welcome to Wine Institute California Wine Export Program

Global Buyers Marketplace Event Feedback



GBM Buyer Survey

Did you attend (or watch the recording of) the Bottlebooks webinar?
If yes, did you learn how to better use Bottlebooks technology?
Did you attend (or watch the recording of) the Brella webinar?
Did you attend (or watch the recording of) the Maximize Your Time at GBM webinar?
Did you download and use the Brella app to book meetings?
Did you use the Brella app at the conference?
Did you make any direct sales, or do you expect to make incremantal sales as a result of the tastings?
Have you followed up with buyers since GBM?
Have you been asked or are you preparing to ship samples to any of the attending buyers?
Winery size - annual case production:(Required)
Name (optional)