USA Pavilion Delivers 711 Million USD in New Sales at CIIE 2024
On November 5-10, ATO Shanghai organized the American Food and Agriculture Pavilion at the China International Import Expo (CIIE), the world’s largest expo for imported products. This was the second time for ATO to organize this pavilion with the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. This year’s pavilion hosted 14 exhibitors showcasing U.S. meat, grains, poultry, oilseeds, dairy, potatoes, wines, spirits, cotton, hay, peas, fruits, and ginseng. USDA Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Trade and Agricultural Affairs Jason Hafemeister attended the show together with a high-level U.S. industry delegation representing 13 groups including the CEOs of six USDA Cooperators. This event served as the single largest representation of U.S. agriculture in China this year representing nearly 90 percent of U.S. agricultural exports. U.S. companies in the pavilion secured over $711 million in on-site sales during the five-day show.